HELP!! I'm having trouble...
... understanding my assignment!
What is the research assignment asking me to do?
What is a 'primary source'?
What is a 'scholarly, 'peer-reviewed', or 'academic' source?
What is a citation?
... starting my research!
Can I use Google?
Where do I begin?
... developing my research question or thesis!
How do I formulate a research question?
What is a thesis statement?
... finding the perfect source!
How do I find the source that will address all my research needs?
... evaluating my sources!
How do I know if my source is credible?
Is my source 'primary'?
Is my source 'scholarly'?
... using and citing my sources!
When do I need to cite?
What does citation look like?
How do I quote, paraphrase, or summarize a source?
Consult a Librarian about your research! Whether you want help navigating the research process or finding research sources in our collections, we can help with that!
"Digital reading" by SITI NURHAYATI from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)
Consult an English tutor for any Gateway course with writing! Whether you want help with a speech, a presentation, an annotated bibliography, or with formatting your project in MLA or APA style, we have a tutor for that!
This module is about how to develop your topic into an appropriate, manageable question or thesis.
In module 2, we talked about the components of the research process and how they relate to each other, to the library's collections, and to your assignment. In this module we'll take a deeper dive into the first component of the research cycle: topic development, or identifying your information need.
By the end of this module, you'll be able to: