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NSG 212: Behavioral Health Nursing

Citing Artificial Intelligence Tools As A Source

Check with your instructor and the course syllabus before considering using information from a Generative Artificial Intelligence tool such as ChatGPT. You will still need to cite the source if you use it in academic writing. Below are some links to help you with proper citation of these sources.

Webpage on Website with an Organizational Group Author

  • Author
    • For a page from an organization’s website without individual authors, use the name of the organization as the author.
  • Date
    • Provide as specific a date as possible for the webpage.
    • Some online works note when the work was last updated. If this date is clearly attributable to the specific content you are citing rather than the overall website, use the updated date in the reference.
    • Do not include a date of last review in a reference because content that has been reviewed has not necessarily been changed. If a date of last review is noted on a work, ignore it for the purposes of the reference.
  • Title
    • Italicize the title of the webpage.
  • Source
    • Because the author of the webpage and the site name are the same, omit the site name from the source element to avoid repetition.
  • End the reference with the URL.

    American Psychological Association. (2021, October). Webpage on a website references. https://Apastyle.Apa.Org.

Webpage on Website with a Government Group Author

  • Author
    • For a page on a government website without individual authors, use the specific agency responsible for the webpage as the author.
  • Date
    • Provide as specific a date as possible for the webpage.
    • Some online works note when the work was last updated. If this date is clearly attributable to the specific content you are citing rather than the overall website, use the updated date in the reference.
    • Do not include a date of last review in a reference because content that has been reviewed has not necessarily been changed. If a date of last review is noted on a work, ignore it for the purposes of the reference.
  • Title
    • Italicize the title of the webpage.
  • Source
    • The names of parent agencies not present in the author element appear in the source element (in the example, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health). This creates concise in-text citations and complete reference list entries.
  • End the reference with the URL.
    American Psychological Association. (2021, October). Webpage on a website references. https://Apastyle.Apa.Org.

Using a Retrieval Date for ephemeral websites without a date

  • When a webpage has no posted/updated date available, AND its contents change over time, ONLY in this singular circumstance, include a retrieval date in the reference.
    American Psychological Association. (2021, October). Webpage on a website references. https://Apastyle.Apa.Org.