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Using Permanent Links in Blackboard Ultra

Please read the guide about permanent links for more information! This guide will help instructors add permanent links found in Gateway databases to their courses in Blackboard and Ultra.

Why use permanent links in Blackboard or Ultra?

Why use permanent links in your courses on Blackboard Ultra?

The Gateway Library has many resources available to faculty and students why not make the most of them?

Instructors can find required or supplemental readings in both scholarly and popular publications to share with their students to enhance their lesson plans.  Students will be connected directly to the article and the tools made available within many of database interfaces including: accessible feature such text to audio, information management tools, and citation tools to help students properly cite the articles they use in which they found or were referred to in the databases.

Please Note

  • If you are unfamiliar with permanent links, please see the guide on how to find permanent links for more information.
  • Generally the Fair Use exception in copyright law allows for instructors to share copies of articles with students without violating copyright law.
  • Some databases automatically add a proxy prefix to the permanent link. This provides access to students who are off campus. 
  • Other databases do not automatically do this.  Make sure to add the Gateway proxy prefix to your permalink:

How to add permanent links in Blackboard Ultra

Adding Links to Websites (Permalinks included)

Link to the Blackboard Ultra Help page: Link to Websites

On the Course Content page, you can add a link to a website you want students to access alongside other materials. For example, you can add a link to a website with the required reading listed in your syllabus.

Select the plus sign wherever you want to add the website information. In the menu, select Create to open the Create Item panel. Select Link. You can also expand or create a folder or learning module and add the link.

In the New Link panel, type a name and optional description. If you don't add a name for the link, New Link and the date appear to students on the Course Content page. Paste or type the URL and select the globe icon to preview the website. The link is hidden from students until you decide to show it. Select the visibility to change it. Select Save when you're finished.