Demonstrate evidence of applied and integrated learning.
Graduates will be able to articulate and apply the theoretical content of their academic preparation with relevant knowledge and abilities essential to their chosen career.
Numerous case studies effectively convey competent practice in social work practice, and relate core areas of competence explicitly to the relevant section of the framework. Professionals and students involved in social work training, as well as new practitioners will value this book as an indispensable resource.
The book stresses upon the fact that developing skills is equally important for the graduates looking for their first employment (by skilling them) as well as for the existing workforce (by re-skilling them). The book successfully correlates the employability skills and their importance for generating employment, entrepreneurship and value creation opportunities within an economic system.
Fundamentals of Clinical Practice, Second Edition presents medical students with a comprehensive guide to the social ramifications of a physician's work, and more experienced practitioners with the tools to augment their own patient-centered techniques.
This volume collects thirteen of David Schmidtz's essays on the question of what it takes to live a good life, given that we live in a social and natural world.
Learn how to make the smartest career move right out of college. Establish a strong reputation by encouraging others to like and cooperate with you. Navigate your organization's social scene and practice cringe-free networking. Master skills that will take you anywhere, including goal setting and self-promotion. Combat negativity and cope with difficult personalities. Updated with fresh research, anecdotes, and resources, the book still maintains the no-nonsense perspective of a wise older sister who doesn't want you to have to learn the hard way.